
for children 2 and over
Children aged two and older will utilize a Project-Based Learning curriculum.
Students will investigate a topic of their choice based on their interests or a specific line of inquiry. The investigations will culminate in a final project that will be presented to the community.
For example, students might show an interest in cameras/taking photos. Students would then work toward creating a photo essay using nature as a subject as their final project. During the process, students can complete any number of activities to reach their final goal including: field trips to museums, visits from a professional photographer, learning how to use a dark room etc.
Project-Based Learning allows students to showcase their individual strengths, encourages collaboration, gives them agency over their own learning and utilizes their natural curiosity to promote growth and development, among other benefits.
for children under 2
For children less than two-years-old, the Frogstreet curriculum will be used. It is a research-based program that focuses on the comprehensive development of infants and toddlers. For more information on the program, see more here: